Chicken Manchurian


Chicken Manchurian is a classic and famous chinese dish. It comprises of marinated and fried chicken pieces cooked in a spicy sauce. It is really a tasty and easy to cook dish. If you are in a hurry then chicken manchurian is just the right dish to cook!

I served this delectable dish with egg fried rice (recipe already shared!) but you can easily serve with plain boiled rice. Can it get easier than that?!

So here is a very simple version of chicken manchurian which does not involve a lot of ingredients but its going to make your taste buds really happy 🙂



For chicken:

Chicken boneless bite size (I used mixed leg, thigh and breast meat of half a chicken)

Sugar 1 tsp

Salt 1 tsp

Corn flour 2 tbs

Cooking oil 1 tbs

Marinate the chicken with the above ingredients and leave for half an hour.

For Gravy:

Chicken stock (yakhni) 1 1/2 cup

Cooking oil 1/2 cup

Garlic past 1 tsp

Tomato ketchup  1/2 cup

Sugar 1 tbs

Salt 1/2 tsp

Red chilli powder 1/2  tsp

Green chillies chopped 2


  1. Shallow fry marinated chicken pieces in batches so that they dont stick with each other.  Fry and leave on kitchen paper to absorb extra oil.
  2. Take a bowl and mix 1  cup chicken stock, ketchup, sugar, salt and red chilli powder  while chicken is being fried and leave aside.
  3. Heat up oil and saute galic paste. Put fried chicken pieces, chopped green chillies and 1/2 cup chicken stock and cook for 2-3 minutes.
  4. Now add the sauce mixed earlier. Bring to a boil and turn off the heat.

Yummy Chicken Manchurian is ready!

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